Payment Method

Payment Method

What payment method is accepted by SANNCE?

You can pay on SANNCE with the following payment methods:


PayPal is our preferred payment method. It's a secure and convenient way to pay online, providing you with extra protection. Make sure your PayPal account has enough balance or is linked to a verified bank account or credit card. After placing your order, you'll be redirected to PayPal to complete the transaction. If you don't have a PayPal account yet, you can easily create one in minutes. Shopping with PayPal makes your experience easier and more secure.

Credit Cards

SANNCE accepts MasterCard, VISA, American Express, Discover, and other major credit cards. Paying with a credit card is quick, convenient, and globally accepted. We protect your credit card information with SSL encryption and ensure your payment process is safe and reliable. Wherever you are, you can use your trusted credit card to complete your order. We promise to keep your payment information secure, so you can shop worry-free.

Payoneer Cards

SANNCE uses Payoneer to accept various payment methods, including credit cards and debit cards. Payoneer is a professional payment processing platform that offers customers a convenient payment experience. With Payoneer, you can stay on the same page to complete your payment without cumbersome redirects or inputting information. Payoneer protects your payment information with advanced security technology, allowing you to enjoy shopping with peace of mind.

Tax and Customs Terms

In most cases, sales with SANNCE do not incur taxes or customs fees. However, customers may be charged varying fees depending on their jurisdiction. Please note that when customs fees occur, it's the customer's responsibility to pay duties and any unexpected fees. For specific tax or customs information, please refer to the tax or clearance policies in your local jurisdiction. We recommend consulting relevant authorities before making a purchase to understand applicable fees and policies to avoid unnecessary hassle.